Monday, 12 November 2012

That Crazy Bitch Sandy (Hurricane Part 2)

Hiya Peeps,

As promised, the second installment of my Hurrican Sandy experience.
 As the days went on and on I began to wonder when and if we would ever get electricity to blow wow. It became my daily routine to get up and get out and charge all my electrical equipment and use the internet in buildings that were using generators; and buy some food. (non perishables)

The electricity situation was compounded by the fact that water could not be pumped into the system as the pump is electric. During these days while in taxis and in shops I would hear people talking about the water situation which was a bigger issue than the lack of electricity. I mean how do you flush, take a shower, bubble a pot? I found out.  You do not flush when you urinate. You do not wash your clothes at home but travel a few miles to the local laundry mat (all town centres had their supply restored within a few days or used a generator) All sorts of meat was being seasoned, cooked and consumed at a frenzied rate in my home and that of my neighbours.  As a non meat eater I was left pretty hungry after the supplies ran low but I easily transitioned into an unhealthy diet of bulla cake, spiced bun and canned goods. There was a lot of food around as it all blew off the trees. So ask me why I was eating this crap. 1, I struggle to cook small portions, but usually store my concoctions in the fridge or freezer. 2, I didn’t even recognise most of the food being offered. As a fussy eater with the upset of the storm it was all too much so I reverted to child like eating habits.
Vybz Kartel with Bulla cake
 The dark nights (from around 6pm) seemed to quiet the neighbourhood activities. No random neighbours stopping by to share news, no loud dance hall music playing, no old dudes playing dominoes  outside little neighbourhood stores etc... As for me I was all about talking on the phone when Digicel was actually bloody working  and of course sleeping. I must look like ive had a face lift the amount of shut eye I have had.  One thing this storm this has taught me is that next time mi hear seh storm ah come.  I will be making sure I have food, candles, kerosene, matches and a strong cutie to protect me from the elements. This weather and the candle light should be utilised. Ya heard!!!
This is the perfect storm music
 The overall thing that sandy has highlighted to me is the monopoly that the islands electric company JPS has over the island electrical supply.The Jamaican government only own around a twenty percent share in the business therefore it seems absurd after residing in cities where utility companies fight it out for your business and your cash that they should be allowed to run a service that can only be decribed as shockingly bad; and expensive to boot. I want to be able to put several companies into a price comparison website in order to secure the best deal. Further, why are the power cables above ground in a country that boasts storm seasoon for six months of the year? Why haven’t we got solar power?  Why in 2012 did my family have to wait 15 days to receive a return of electricity service.  Yes we know there is no money. but charge the customer. you do anyways. and at least this way it would actually be efficient.
What a bunch of theives

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